Monday 31 December 2012



Learning Objective
Learning Outcomes
Suggested Activities


2/1/13 – 4/1/13
Understanding Physics
A student is able to:
·         explain what physics is
·         recognize the physics in everyday objects and natural phenomena
·         Observe everyday objects such as table, a pencil, a mirror etc and discuss how they are related to physics concepts.
·         View a video on natural phenomena and discuss how they relate to physics concepts.
·         Discuss fields of study in physics such as forces, motion, heat, light etc.
7/1/13 – 11/1/13
Understanding base quantities and derived quantities
A student is able to:
·         explain what base quantities and derived quantities are
·         list base quantities and their units
·         list some derived quantities and their units.
·         express quantities using prefixes.
·         express quantities using scientific notation
·         Discuss base quantities and derived quantities.
·         From a text passage, identify physical quantities then classify them into base quantities and derived quantities.
·         List the value of prefixes and their abbreviations from nano to giga, eg. nano (10-9), nm(nanometer)
·         Discuss the use of scientific notation to express large and small numbers.
·         Express derived quantities as well as their units in terms of base quantities and base units.
·         solve problems involving conversion of units
·         Determine the base quantities (and units) in a given derived quantity (and unit) from the related formula.
·         Solve problems that involve the conversion of units.
14/1/13 – 18/1/13
Understanding scalar and vector quantities
A student is able to:
·         Define scalar and vector quantities
·         Give examples of scalar and vector quantities.
·         Carry out activities to show that some quantities can be defined by magnitude only whereas other quantities need to be defined by magnitude as well as direction.
·         Compile a list of scalar and vector quantities.
21/1/13 – 25/1/13
Understanding measurement
A student is able to
·         Measure physical quantities using appropriate instruments
·         Explain accuracy and consistency
·         Explain sensitivity
·         Choose the appropriate instrument for a given measurement
·         Discuss consistency and accuracy using the distribution of gunshots on a target as an example
·         Discuss the sensitivity of various instruments
·         Explain types of experimental error
·         Use appropriate techniques to reduce errors
·         Demonstrate through examples systematic errors and random errors.
·         Discuss what systematic and random errors are.
·        Use appropriate techniques to reduce error in measurements such as repeating measurements to find the average and compensating for zero error.

28/1/13 – 1/2/13
Analysing scientific investigations
A student is able to:
·         Identify variables in a given situation
·         Identify a question suitable for scientific investigation
·         Form a hypothesis
·         Design and carry out a simple experiment to test the hypothesis
·         Record and present data in a suitable form
·         Interpret data to draw a conclusion
·         Write a report of the investigation
·       Observe a situation and suggest questions suitable for a scientific investigation. Discuss to:
a)         identify a question suitable for scientific investigation
b)        identify all the variables
c)         form a hypothesis
d)        plan the method of investigation including selection of   
         apparatus and work procedures
·         Carry out an experiment and:
a)         collect and tabulate data
b)        present data in a suitable form
c)         interpret the data and draw conclusions
d)        write a complete report
4/2/13 – 8/2/13
Analysing linear motion
A student is able to:
·         Define distance and displacement
·         Define speed and velocity and state that  
·         Define acceleration and deceleration and state that 
·         Calculate speed and velocity
·         Calculate acceleration/deceleration
·         Solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration using

·         Carry out activities to gain an idea of:
a)         distance and displacement
b)        speed and velocity
c)         acceleration and deceleration
·         Carry out activities using a data logger/graphing calculator/ticker timer to
a)    identify when a body is at rest, moving with uniform
         velocity or non-uniform velocity
b)    determine displacement, velocity and acceleration
·         Solve problems using the following equations of motion:
11/2/13 – 15/2/13
Analysing motion graphs
A student is able to:
·         Plot and interpret displacement- time and velocity-time graphs
·         Deduce from the shape of a Displacement-time graph when a body is:
    i.   at rest
   ii.  moving with uniform  velocity
   iii. moving with non-uniform  velocity
·         Determine distance, displacement and velocity from a displacement –time graph
·         Deduce from the shape of velocity- time graph when a body is:
a.     at rest
b.    moving with uniform velocity
c.     moving with uniform acceleration
·         Determine distance, displacement velocity and acceleration from a  velocity–time graph
·         Solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration.

·         Carry out activities using a data logger/graphing calculator/ ticker timer to plot
a)   displacement-time graphs
b) velocity-time graphs
·         Describe and interpret:
a)    displacement-time graphs
b)    velocity-time graphs
·         Determine distance, displacement velocity and acceleration from a displacement –time and velocity–time graphs.
·         Solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration involving graphs.
18/2/13 – 22/2/13
Understanding Inertia

Analysing momentum
A student is able to:
·         Explain what inertia is
·         Relate mass to inertia
·         Give examples of situations involving inertia
·         Suggest ways to reduce the negative side effects of inertia.

A student is able to:
·         Define the momentum of an object
·         Define momentum as the product of mass (m) and velocity (v) i.e.
·         State the principle of conservation of momentum

·         Carry out activities/view computer simulations/ situations to gain an idea on inertia.
·         Carry out activities to find out the relationship between inertia and mass.
·         Research and report on
a)    the positive effects of inertia
b)    ways to reduce the negative effects of inertia.

·         Carry out activities/view computer simulations to gain an idea of momentum by comparing the effect of stopping two objects:
a)   of the same mass moving at different speeds
b)   of different masses moving at the same   speeds
·         Discuss momentum as the product of mass and velocity.
·         View computer simulations on collision and explosions to gain an idea on the conservation of momentum
·         Describe applications of conservation of momentum
·         solve problems involving momentum
·         Conduct an experiment to show that the total momentum of a closed system is a constant.
·         Carry out activities that demonstrate the conservation of momentum e.g. water rockets.
·         Research and report on the applications of conservation of momentum such as in rockets or jet engines.
·         Solve problems involving linear momentum.

25/2/13 – 1/3/13
Understanding the effects of a force
A student is able to:
·         Describe the effects of balanced forces acting on an object
·         Describe the effects of unbalanced forces acting on an object
·         Determine the relationship between force, mass and acceleration i.e. F = ma.
·         Solve problem using F=ma
·         With the aid of diagrams, describe the forces acting on an object:
a)       at rest
b)       moving at constant velocity
c)       accelerating
·         Conduct experiments to find the relationship between acceleration and mass of an object under constant force
·         Acceleration and force for a constant mass.
·         Solve problems using F = ma
4/3/13 - 8/3/13
Test 1
11/3/13 - 15/3/13

Analysing impulse and impulsive force
A student is able to:
·         Explain what an impulsive force is.
·         Give examples of situations involving impulsive forces
·         Define impulse as a change of momentum, i.e.
·         Define impulsive forces as the rate of change of momentum in a collision or explosion, i.e.
·         Explain the effect of increasing or decreasing time of impact on the magnitude of the impulsive force.
·         Describe situation where an impulsive force needs to be reduced and suggest ways to reduce it.
·         describe situation where an impulsive force is beneficial
·         Solve problems involving impulsive force.
·         View computer simulations of collision and explosions to gain an idea on impulsive forces.
·         Discuss :
a)       impulse as a change of momentum
b)       an impulsive force as the rate of change of momentum in a collision or explosion
c)       how increasing or decreasing time of impact affects the magnitude of the impulsive force.
·         Research and report situations where:
d)       an impulsive force needs to be reduced and how it can be done
e)       an impulsive force is beneficial
·         Solve problems involving impulsive forces.

Being aware of the need for safety features in vehicles
A student is able to:
·         Describe the importance of safety features in vehicles
·         Research and report on the physics of vehicle collision and safety features in vehicles in terms of physics concepts.
·         Discuss the importance of safety features in vehicles.
18/3/13 - 22/3/13
Understanding gravity
A student is able to:
·         Determine the value of acceleration due to gravity
·         Define weight (W) as the product of mass (m) and acceleration due to Gravity (g) i.e. W =mg.
·         Solve problems involving acceleration due to gravity
·         Carry out activity or view computer simulations to gain an idea of acceleration due to gravity.
·         Discuss
a)       acceleration due to gravity
b)       a gravitational field as a region in which an object experiences a force due to gravitational attraction and
c)       gravitational field strength (g) as gravitational force per unit mass
·         Carry out an activity to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity.
·         Discuss weight as the Earth’s.
·         Gravitational force on an object.
·         Solve problems involving acceleration due to gravity.

25/3/13 – 30/3/13
1/4/13 – 5/4/13
Analysing forces in equilibrium
A student is able to:
·         Describe situations where forces are in equilibrium
·         State what a resultant force is
·         Add two forces to determine the resultant force.
·         Resolve a force into the effective component forces.
·         Solve problems involving forces in equilibrium.
·         With the aid of diagrams, describe situations where forces are in equilibrium, e.g. a book at rest on a table, an object at rest on an inclined plane.
·         With the aid of diagrams, discuss the resolution and addition of forces to determine the resultant force.
·         Solve problems involving forces in equilibrium (limited to 3 forces).
8/4/13 – 12/4/13
Understanding work, energy, power and efficiency.
A student is able to:
·         Define work (W) as the product of an applied force (F) and displacement (s) of an object in the direction of the applied force i.e. W =Fs.
·         Observe and discus situations where work is done.
·         Discuss that no work is done when:
a)       a force is applied but no displacement occurs
b)       an object undergoes a displacement  with no applied force acting on it.
·         State that when work is done energy is transferred from one object to another.
·         Define kinetic energy and state that
·         Define gravitational potential energy and state that Ep = mgh
·         State the principle of conservation of energy.
·         Define power and state that  P = W/t
·         Explain what efficiency of a device is.
·         Solve problems involving work, energy, power and efficiency

·         Give examples to illustrate how energy is transferred from one object to another when work is done.
·         Discuss the relationship between work done to accelerate a body and the change in kinetic energy.
·         Discuss the relationship between work done against gravity and gravitational potential energy.
·         Carry out an activity to show the principle of conservation of energy
·         State that power is the rate at which work is done, P = W/t.
·         Carry out activities to measure power.
·         Discuss efficiency as: Useful energy output  x 100 %
                                                        Energy input
·         Evaluate and report the efficiencies of various devices such as a diesel engine, a petrol engine and an electric engine.
·         Solve problems involving work, energy, power and efficiency.

15/4/13 – 19/4/13
Appreciating the importance of maximising the efficiency of devices.
A student is able to:
·         Recognize the importance of maximising efficiency of devices in conserving resources.
·         Discuss that when an energy transformation takes place, not all the energy is used to do useful work. Some is converted into heat or other types of energy. Maximizing efficiency during energy transformations makes the best use of the available energy. This helps to conserve resources.

22/4/13 – 26/4/13
Understanding elasticity.
A student is able to:
·         Define elasticity
·         Define Hooke’s Law
·         Define elastic potential energy and state that  
·         Determine the factors that affect elasticity
·         Describe applications of elasticity
·         Solve problems involving elasticity
·         Carry out activities to gain an idea on elasticity.
·         Plan and conduct an experiment to find the relationship between force and extension of a spring.
·         Relate work done to elastic potential energy to obtain.
·         Describe and interpret force- extension graphs.
·         Investigate the factors that affect elasticity.
·         Research and report on applications of elasticity
·         Solve problems involving elasticity.

29/4/13 – 3/5/13
Revision for Mid Year Examination
6/5/13 – 10/5/13
13/5/13 – 17/5/13
20/5/13 – 24/5/13

27/5/13 – 31/5/13

3/6/13 – 7/6/13
10/6/13 – 14/6/13
Understanding pressure
A student is able to:
·         Define pressure and state that
·         Describe applications of pressure
·         solve problems involving pressure
·         Observe and describe the effect of force acting over a large area compared to a small area, e.g. school shoes versus high heeled shoes.
·         Discuss pressure as force per unit area
·         Research and report on applications of pressure.
·         Solve problems involving pressure
Understanding pressure in liquids
A student is able to:
·         Relate depth to pressure in a liquid
·         Relate density to pressure in a liquid
·         Explain pressure in a liquid and state that P = h ρ g 
·         Describe applications of pressure in liquids.
·         Solve problems involving pressure in liquids.

·         Observe situations to form ideas that pressure in liquids:
a)       acts in all directions
b)       increases with depth
·         Observe situations to form the idea that pressure in liquids increases with density
·         Relate depth (h) , density (ρ)and gravitational field strength (g) to pressure in liquids to obtain P = h ρ g
·         Research and report on
a)       the applications of pressure in liquids
b)       ways to reduce the negative effect of pressure in liquids
·         Solve problems involving pressure in liquids

17/6/13 – 21/6/13
Understanding gas pressure and atmospheric pressure
A student is able to:
·         Explain gas pressure
·         Explain atmospheric pressure
·         Describe applications of atmospheric pressure
·         Solve problems involving atmospheric pressure and gas pressure
·         Carry out activities to gain an idea of gas pressure and atmospheric
·         Discuss gas pressure in terms of the behaviour of gas molecules based on the kinetic theory
·         Discuss atmospheric pressure in terms of the weight of the atmosphere acting on the Earth’s surface
·         Discuss the effect of altitude on the magnitude of atmospheric pressure
·         Research and report on the application of atmospheric pressure
·         Solve problems involving atmospheric and gas pressure including barometer and manometer readings.

24/6/13 – 28/6/13
Applying Pascal’s principle
A student is able to:
·         State Pascal’s principle.
·         Explain hydraulic system

·         Describe applications of Pascal’s principle.
·         Solve problems involving Pascal’s principle.

·         Observe situations to form the idea that pressure exerted on an enclosed liquid is transmitted equally to every part of the liquid

·         Discuss hydraulic systems as a force multiplier to obtain:
Output force = output piston area
Input force      input piston area
·         Research and report on the application of Pascal’s principle (hydraulic systems)
·         Solve problems involving Pascal’s principle
1/7/13 – 5/7/13
Applying Archimedes’ principle.
A student is able to:
·         Explain buoyant force
·         Relate buoyant force to the weight of the liquid displaced
·         State Archimedes’ principle.
·         Describe applications Archimedes principle
·         Solve problems involving Archimedes principle
·         Carry out an activity to measure the weight of an object in air and the weight of the same object in water to gain an idea on buoyant force.
·         Conduct an experiment to investigate the relationship between the weight of water displaced and the buoyant force.
·         Discuss buoyancy in terms of:
a)       An object that is totally or partially submerged in a fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of fluid displaced
b)       The weight of a freely floating  object being equal to the weight of fluid displaced
c)       A floating object has a density less  than or equal to the density of the fluid in which it is floating.
·         Research and report on the applications of Archimedes’ principle, e.g. submarines, hydrometers, hot air balloons
·         Solve problems involving Archimedes’ principle.
·         Build a Cartesian diver. Discuss why the diver can be made to move up and down.
8/7/13 – 12/7/13
Understanding Bernoulli’s principle.
A student is able to:
·         State Bernoulli’s principle
·         Explain that resultant force exists due to a difference in fluid pressure
·         Describe applications of Bernoulli’s principle
·         Solve problems involving Bernoulli’s principle

·         Carry out activities to gain the idea that when the speed of a flowing fluid increases its pressure decreases, e.g. blowing above a strip of paper, blowing through straw, between two Ping-Pong balls suspended on strings.
·         Discuss Bernoulli’s principle
·         Carry out activities to show that a Resultant force exists due to a difference in fluid pressure.
·         View a computer simulation to observe air flow over an airfoil to gain an idea on lifting force.
·         Research and report on the applications of Bernoulli’s principle.
·         Solve problems involving Bernoulli’s principle.
15/7/13 – 19/7/13
Understanding thermal equilibrium.

Understanding specific heat capacity
A student is able to:
·         Explain thermal equilibrium
·         Explain how a liquid in glass thermometer works

·         A student is able to:
·         Define specific heat capacity (c)
·         State that 
·         Determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid.

·         Carry out activities to show that thermal equilibrium is a condition in which there is no net heat flow between two objects in thermal contact
·         Use the liquid-in-glass thermometer to explain how the volume of a fixed mass of liquid may be used to define a temperature scale.
·         Observe the change in temperature when:
a)        the same amount of heat is used to heat different masses of water.
b)       the same amount of heat is used to heat the same mass of different liquids.
·         Discuss specific heat capacity

22/7/13 – 26/7/13

·         Determine the specific heat capacity of a solid
·         Describe applications of specific heat capacity
·         Solve problems involving specific heat capacity.
·         Plan and carry out an activity to determine the specific heat capacity of
a)       a liquid
b)       a solid
·         Research and report on applications of specific heat capacity.
·         Solve problems involving specific heat capacity.
29/7/13 – 2/8/13
5/8/13 – 9/8/13

12/8/13 -16/8/13
19/8/13 – 23/8/13
Understanding specific latent heat
A student is able to:
·         State that transfer of heat during a change of phase does not cause a change in temperature
·         Define specific latent heat  
·         State that  
·         Determine the specific latent heat of a fusion.
·         Determine the specific latent heat of vaporization
·         Solve problems involving specific latent heat

·         Carry out an activity to show that there is no change in temperature when heat is supplied to:
a)       a liquid at its boiling point.
b)       a solid at its melting point.
·         With the aid of a cooling and heating curve, discuss melting, solidification, boiling and condensation as processes involving energy transfer without a change in temperature.
·         Discuss
a)       latent heat in terms of molecular behavior
b)       specific latent heat
·         Plan and carry out an activity to determine the specific latent heat of
a)       fusion                 b)   vaporisation
·         Solve problems involving specific latent heat.
26/8/13 – 30/8/13
Understanding the gas laws

A student is able to:
·         Explain gas pressure, temperature and volume in terms of the behaviour of gas molecules.
·         Determine the relationship between pressure and volume at constant temperature for a fixed mass of gas i.e. pV = constant.
·         Determine the relationship between volume and temperature at constant pressure for a fixed mass of gas i.e. V/T ?constant.
·         Determine the relationship between pressure and temperature at constant volume for a fixed mass of gas i.e. P/T ?constant.
·         Explain absolute zero.
·         Explain the absolute/Kelvin scale of temperature.
·         Solve problems involving pressure, temperature and volume of a fixed mass of gas.
·         Discuss gas pressure, volume and temperature in terms of the behaviour of molecules based onthe kinetic theory.
·         Plan and carry out an experimenton a fixed mass of gas to determine the relationshipbetween:
a)       pressure and volume at constant temperature
b)       volume and temperature at constant pressure
c)       pressure and temperature at constant volume
·         Extrapolate P-T and V-T graphs or view computer simulations to show that when pressure and volume are zero the temperature on a P-T and V-T graph is -273oC.
·         Discuss absolute zero and the Kelvin scale of temperature.
·         Solve problems involving pressure, temperature and volume of a fixed mass of gas
2/9/13 – 6/9/13
Understanding reflection of light
A student is able to:
·         Describe the characteristic of the image formed by reflection of light
·         State the laws of reflection of light
·         Draw ray diagrams to show the position and characteristics of the image formed by a
i.   plane mirror
ii. convex mirror
iii. concave mirror
·         Describe applications of reflection of light
·         Solve problems involving reflection of light
·         Observe the image formed in a plane mirror. Discuss that the image is:
a)       as far behind the mirror as the  object is in front and the line  joining the object and image is perpendicular to the mirror.
b)       the same size as the object
c)       virtual
d)       laterally inverted
·         Discuss the laws of reflection
·         Draw the ray diagrams to determine the position and characteristics of the image formed by a
a)       plane mirror
b)       convex mirror
c)       concave mirror
·         Research and report on applications of reflection of light.
·         Solve problems involving reflection of light.
9/9/13 – 13/9/13
Understanding refraction of light.
A student is able to:
·         Explain refraction of light
·         Define refractive index as
·         Determine the refractive index of a glass or Perspex block
·         State the refractive index, , as
Speed of light in a vacuum
Speed of light in a medium
·         Describe phenomena due to refraction
·         Solve problems involving refraction of light

·         Observe situations to gain an idea of refraction
·         Conduct an experiment to find the relationship between the angle of incidence and angle of refraction to obtain Snell’s law.
·         Carry out an activity to determine the refractive index of a glass or perspex block
·         Discuss the refractive index, , as
Speed of light in a vacuum
Speed of light in a medium
·         Research and report on phenomena due to refraction, e.g. apparent depth, the twinkling of stars.
·         Carry out activities to gain an idea of apparent depth. With the aid of diagrams, discuss real depth and apparent depth
·         Solve problems involving refraction of light
16/9/13 – 20/9/13
Understanding total internal reflection of light.
A student is able to:
·         Explain total internal reflection of light
·         Define critical angle (c)
·         Relate the critical angle to the refractive index i.e. 
·         Describe natural phenomenon involving total internal reflection
·         Describe applications of total internal reflection
·         Solve problems involving total internal reflection

·         Carry out activities to show the effect of increasing the angle of incidence on the angle of refraction when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium to gain an idea about total internal reflection and to obtain the critical angle.
·         Discuss with the aid of diagrams:
a)       total internal reflection and  critical angle
b)       the relationship between critical angle and refractive angle
·         Research and report on
a)       natural phenomena involving total  internal reflection
b)       the applications of total reflection e.g. in  Telecommunication using fibre optics.
·         Solve problems involving total internal reflection
23/9/13 – 27/9/13
Understanding lenses.
A student is able to:
·         Explain focal point and focal length
·         Determine the focal point and focal length of a convex lens
·         Determine the focal point and focal length of a concave lens
·         Draw ray diagrams to show the positions and characteristics of the images formed by a convex lens.
·         Construct an optical device that uses lenses.
·         Solve problems involving to lenses.

·         Use an optical kit to observe and measure light rays traveling through convex and concave lenses to gain an idea of focal point and focal length.
·         Determine the focal point and focal length of convex and concave lenses.
·         With the help of ray diagrams, discuss focal point and focal length
·         Solve problems involving to lenses

30/9/13 – 4/10/13
Revision For Final Year Examination
7/10/13 – 11/10/13
14/10/13 – 18/10/13
21/10/13 – 25/10/13
28/10/13 – 1/11/13
4/11/13 – 8/11/13
DEEPAVALI (3/11/13) & AWAL MUHARRAM (5/11/13)
11/11/13 – 15/11/13

18/11/13 – 1/1/13

Prepared by :                                                                                                                             Checked by :                                                                                                         Certified by :

………..………………………………………………..….....                                                      ….……………..…………..…………….……………                                                              ……………………..….…………..…………………
(Datin Hjh Mahidah Bt Datuk Hj Ab Wahab)  

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