Sunday 30 December 2012



2/1/13 – 4/1/13
1.1 Understanding Waves.

Observe situations to gain an idea of waves as illustrated by vibrations in ropes, slinky springs, or a ripple tank.
Carry out activities using a ripple tank and a slinky spring to demonstrate:
a) that waves transfer energy without transferring matter,
b) transverse and longitudinal waves,
c) wavefronts,
d) the direction of propagation of waves in relation to wavefronts.
View computer simulation to gain an idea of:
a) transverse and longitudinal waves,
b) wavefronts,
c) direction of propagation of waves in relation to wavefronts for transverse  and longitudinal waves.
A student is able to :
·         Describe what is meant by wave motion.
·         Recognise that waves transfer energy without transferring matter.
·         Compare transverse and longitudinal waves and give examples of each.
·         State what is meant by a wavefront.
·         State the direction of propagation of waves in relation to wavefronts

7/1/13 – 11/1/13

Observe an oscillating system such as a simple pendulum or a loaded spring to define amplitude, period and frequency.
View computer simulations to gain an understanding of:
a) amplitude (a),
b) period (T),
c) frequency (f),
d) wavelength (),
e) wave speed (V).
Discuss amplitude and period with the aid of a displacement-time graph for a wave.
Discuss amplitude and wavelength with the aid of a displacement-distance graph for a wave.
Discuss the relationship between speed, wavelength and frequency.
Discuss to solve problems involving speed, wavelength and frequency.
Observe and discuss the effect of:
a) damping in an oscillating system
b) Resonance in an oscillating system such as a Barton’s pendulum.
·         define
i.                                 amplitude
ii.                                period,
iii.                              frequency,
iv.                               wavelength,
v.                                wave speed.
·         Sketch and interpret a displacement-time graph for a wave.
·         Sketch and interpret a displacement-distance graph for a wave,
·         Clarify the relationship between speed, wavelength and frequency
Solve problems involving speed, wavelength and frequency.
·         Describe damping in a oscillating system.
·         Describe resonance in a oscillating system.

14/1/13 – 18/1/13

Analysing reflection of waves
Carry out activities to observe reflection of :
a) plane waves in a ripple tank,
b) light
c) sound waves
Discuss the characteristics of the reflected wave in terms of the angle of reflection, wavelength, frequency, speed and direction of propagation in relation to the incident wave.
View computers simulations on reflection of waves
A student is able to :
·          Describe reflection of waves in terms of the angle of incidence, angle of reflection, wavelength, frequency, speed and direction of propagation.
·          Draw a diagram to show reflection of waves.

21/1/13 – 25/1/13
1.3 Analysing refraction of
Carry out activities to observe refraction of
a)                    plane water waves in a ripple tank,
b)                    light waves,
c)                    sound waves.
Discuss the characteristics of the refracted wave in terms of the angle of refraction, wavelength, frequency, speed and direction of propagation in relation to the incident waves.
View computer simulations on refraction of waves.
A student is able to :
·                      describe refraction of waves in terms angle of incidence, angle of refraction, wavelength, frequency , speed and direction of propagation.
·                      Draw a diagram to show refraction of waves.
28/1/13 – 1/2/13
1.4 Analysing diffraction of
Carry out activities to observe diffraction of
a)                    water waves in a ripple tank,
b)                    light waves
c)                    sound waves.
Discuss the characteristics of the diffracted waves in terms if wavelengths, frequency, speed, direction of propagation and the shape of waves.
View computers simulations on diffraction of waves
A student is able to
·                      describe diffraction of waves in terms of wavelength, frequency, speed, direction of propagation and shape of waves,
·                      draw a diagram to show diffraction of waves.

4/2/13 – 8/2/13

1.5 Analysing interference of
Use a slinky spring to present the idea on the superposition of waves.
Carry out activities to observe interference patterns of
a)                    water waves in a ripple tank,
b)                    light waves,
c)                    sound waves.
Discuss constructive and destructive interference.
A student is able to :
·                      state the principle of superposition
·                      explain the interference of waves
·                      draw interference patterns
·                      interpret interference patterns
·                      apply the following formula in problem solving

11/2/13 – 15/2/13

18/2/13 – 22/2/13
1.6 Analysing sound waves.
a)                    the production of sound by vibrating sources
b)                    sound waves as a longitudinal wave requiring a medium for propagation
View computer simulations or carry out activities to observe the effect of :
a)                    amplitude on loudness,
b)                    frequency on pitch.
View computer simulations or video to gain an idea of applications of sound waves.
Research and report on applications of the reflection of sound waves, e.g. sonar and ultrasound scanning
A student is able to :
·         describe sound waves
·         explain how the loudness relates to amplitude.
·         explain how the pitch relates to frequency.
·         describe applications of reflection of sound waves.
·         calculate distances using the reflection of sound waves.

25/2/13 – 1/3/13
1.7Analysing electromagnetic waves
Research and report on the components of the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of:
a)                    decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency,
b)                    sources.
Discuss the properties of electromagnetic waves.
Discuss applications of electromagnetic waves such as:
a)                    radio waves in broadcasting and communications,
b)                    microwaves in satellites and cellular telephones,
c)                    infra-red rays in household appliances, remote controls and night-vision devices,
d)                    visible light in optical fibres and photography,
e)                    ultraviolet rays in fluorescent lamps and sterilisation,
f)                     X-rays in hospital and engineering applications,
g)                    gamma rays in medical treatment.
Research and report on the detrimental effects of excessive exposure to certain components of the electromagnetic spectrum.
A student is able to :
·          describe the electromagnetic spectrum
·          state the visible light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum
·          list sources of electromagnetic waves.
·          describe the properties of electromagnetic waves
·          describe applications of electromagnetic waves
·          describe the detrimental effects of excessive exposure to certain components of the electromagnetic spectrum.

4/3/13 – 8/3/13
2.1 Analysing electric fields and charge flow
Discuss electric current as the rate of charge flow, i.e
Carry out activities / view computer simulations to study electric field lines for different arrangements of charges.
Observe the effect of an electric field on:
a)         a ping-pong ball coated with conducting material,
b)        a candle flame.
Discuss to solve problems involving electric charge and current
A student is able to :
·         state the relationship between electron flow and electric current.
·         define an electric current
·         describe an electric filed.
·         sketch electric filed lines showing the direction of the field.
·         describe the effect of an electric filed on charge.

11/3/13 – 15/3/13
2.2 Analysing the relationship between electric current and potential difference

View computer simulations to gain an understanding of potential difference.
Discuss potential difference(V) as work done (W) when moving 1C of charge (Q) between two points in electric field, i.e .

Plan and conduct an experiment to find the relationship between current and potential difference for an ohmic conductor.
Discuss Ohm,’s Law as the relationship between potential difference and current at constant temperature.
Discuss resistance as the ratio of potential difference to current for an ohmic conductor.
Conduct experiment s to study and discuss factors that effect resistance, i,e the type of material, cross-sectional area, length and temperature.
Discuss to solve problems involving potential difference, current and resistance.
Research and report on superconductor
A student is able to :
·         define potential difference.
·         plan and conduct an experiment to find the relationship between current and potential difference.
·         describe the relationship between current and potential difference.
A student is able to :
·         state Ohm’s Law
·         define resistance
·         explain factors that affect resistance
·         solve problems involving potential difference, current and resistance.
·         describe superconductors

18/3/13 – 22/3/13
2.3 Analysing series and parallel circuits

Carry out activities to identify series and parallel circuits.
Carry out activities to study the current, I, and potential difference, V, in series and parallel circuits using ammeters and voltmeters to shoe the value of  I and V.
Calculate the effective resistance of resistors connected in :
a)                    series,
b)                    parallel.
Discuss and apply principles of current, potential difference and resistance in series and parallel circuits to new situations and to solve problems.  
A students is able to :
·               identify series and parallel circuits.
·               compare the current and potential difference of series circuits and parallel circuits.
·               determine the effective resistance of resistors connected in series.
·               determine the effective resistance of resistors connected in parallel.
·               solve problems involving current, potential difference and resistance in series circuit, parallel circuits and their combinations.

25/3/13 – 30/3/13
1/4/13 – 5/4/13
2.4 Analysing electromotive force and internal resistance

Discuss e.m.f. as the work done by source in driving a unit charge around a complete circuit.
Carry out activities to distinguish between e.m.f. and potential difference.
Carry out activity to study internal resistance.
Carry out activity to determine e.m.f. and internal resistance of a battery by plotting a voltage against current graph.
Discuss to solve problems involving e.m.f. and internal resistance.
A student is able to :
·               define electromotive force (e.m.f.)
·               compare e.m.f. and potential difference.
·                      Explain internal resistance.
·                      Determine e.m.f. and internal resistance.
·                      Solve problems involving e.m.f. and internal resistance

8/4/13 – 12/4/13
2.5 Analysing electrical energy and power

Discuss the relationship between :
a)energy (E), voltage (V), current(I) and time(t),
b)power (P), voltage (V), and current (I)
Discuss to solve problems involving electrical energy and power.
Compare the power rating of various household appliances and calculate energy used for a fixed period of time.
Carry out activities to compare household electrical appliances that perform the same function such as an ‘energy-saver’ bulb in terms of efficient used of energy.
Research and report on ways of increasing energy efficiency in the home or school.
Discuss the importance of maintenance in ensuring efficiency of electrical appliances.
A student is able to :
Define electrical energy
Define electric power
Solve problems involving electrical energy and power
Compare power rating and energy consumption of various electrical appliances.
Compare various electrical appliances in terms of efficient use of energy.
Describe ways of increasing energy efficiency.

15/4/12 – 19/4/13
LEARNING AREA:  3. ELECTROMAGNETISM 3.1 Analysing the magnetic effect of a current-carrying conductor.
Recall what an electromagnet is.
Carry out activities to study the pattern and direction of the magnetic field due to a current in a:
a)  straight wire,
b) coil,
c) solenoid.
Plan and conduct experiments to study factors that effect the strength of a magnetic field of an electromagnet, i.e.:
a) the number of turns on the coil,
b) the size of current carried by the coil,
c) the use of a soft iron core.
Research and report on applications of electromagnets such as in electric bells, circuit breakers, electromagnetic relays and telephone ear-pieces.
A student is able to :
·         State what an electromagnet is.
·         Draw the magnetic field pattern due to a current in a :
i)                                straight wire,
ii)                               coil,
iii)                             solenoid.
·         Plan and conduct experiments to study factors that affect the strength of the magnetic field of electromagnet.
·         Describe applications of electromagnets.

22/4/13 – 26/4/13
3.2   Understanding the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
Carry out activities to show the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field including the effect of reversing the direction of the current and magnetic field.
View computer simulations to gain an understanding of the resultant magnetic field obtained by combining the magnetic fields due to a current-carrying conductor and a magnet.
Carry out experiments to study factors that affect the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field and discuss how they affect the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
Carry out activities to observe the turning effect of a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field.
Discuss how the turning effect of a current-carrying coil in magnetic field is used in the action of a motor.
Carry out activities or view computer simulations to study factors that affect the speed of rotation of an electric motor.
A student is able to :
·         Describe what happens to current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
·         Draw the pattern of the combined magnetic field due to a current-carrying conductor in magnetic field.
·         Describe how a current-carrying conductor in magnetic field experiences a force.
·         Explain the factors that affect the magnitude of the force on a current-carrying conductor in magnetic field.
·         Describe how a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field experiences a turning force.
·         Describe how a direct current motor works.
·         State factors that affect the speed of rotation of an electric motor.
29/4/13 – 3/5/13
3.3   Analysing electromagnetic induction.
Carry out activities to observe electromagnetic induction in a:
a) straight wire,
b) solenoid.
Discuss electromagnetic induction as the production of an electromotive force in a conductor when there is relative motion of the conductor across a magnetic field.
Discuss the direction of the induced
current in a:
a) straight wire,    b) solenoid
Carry out activities to study factors that affect the magnitude of the induced current and discuss how they affect of the magnitude of the induced current.
Research and report applications of electromagnetic induction such as in direct current (d.c.) and alternating current (a.c.) generators.
Observe and discuss the output generated by a direct current and alternating current source on a display unit such as a cathode ray oscilloscope.
A student is able to :
·         Describe electromagnetic induction.
·         Indicate the direction of the induced current in a:
     i)  straight wire,
     ii) solenoid
·         Explain factors that affect the magnitude of the induced current.
·         Describe applications of electromagnetic induction.
·         Compare direct current and alternating current.

17 - 19
6/5/13 – 24/5/13

27/5/13 – 7/6/13
10/6/13 – 14/6/13
3.4 Analysing transformers
Carry out activities to gain an understanding of the structure and the operating principle of a simple step-up transformer and a step-down transformer.
Carry out activities to study the relationship between number and turns of the primary coil (Np), number of turns of the secondary coil (Ns) primary voltage (Vp) and secondary voltage (Vs).
Discuss the relationship between output and input power in an ideal transformer, i.e. VpIp = VsIs.
a) energy losses in a transformer.
b) ways to improve the efficiency of a  transformer.
Discuss to solve problems involving transformers.
A student is able to :
describe the structure and the operating principle of a simple transformer.
compare and contrast a step-up transformer and a step-down transformer.
state that  =  for an ideal transformer.
state that VpIp = VsIs for an ideal transformer.
describe the energy losses in a transformer.
describe ways to improve the efficiency of a transformer.
solve problems involving transformers.

 17/6/13 – 21/6/13
3.5 Understanding the generation and transmission of electricity
Research and report on various sources of energy used to generate electricity such as hydro, gas, nuclear, diesel, coal, biomass, sun and wind.
View computer simulations to gain an understanding on the use of various sources to generate electricity.
Study a model of electricity transmission.
Discuss the energy loss in cables and the advantage of high voltage transmission.
View computer simulations to gain an understanding of the National Grid Network.
Research and report on :
a) the importance of the National Grid
    Network in terms of efficient energy  distribution,
b) the importance of energy efficiency
and renewable energy resources in
view of limited energy sources,
c) the effects on the environment caused by the use of various sources to  generate electricity.
A student is able to :
list sources of energy used to generate electricity.
describe the various ways of generating electricity.
describe the transmission of electricity.
describe the energy loss in electricity transmission cables and deduce the advantage of high voltage transmission.
state the importance of the National Grid Network.
solve problems involving electricity transmission
explain the importance of renewable energy
explain the effects on the environment caused by the use of various sources to generate electricity

24/6/13 – 28/6/13
LEARNING AREA:  4. ELECTRONICS 4.1Understanding the uses of the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O)

View computer simulation to gain an understanding of thermionic emission.
Carry out activities to study the properties of cathode rays using apparatus such as the Maltese Cross tube.
Discuss the cathode ray oscilloscope from the following aspects:
a)                    electron gun,
b)                    deflection system,
c)                    fluorescent screen,
d)                    Energy changes.
Carry out activities using a C.R.O. to:
a)                    measure potential difference,
b)                    measure short time intervals,
c)                    Waveforms display.
Discuss to solve problems based on the C.R.O. display.
A student is able to :
explain thermionic emission.
Describe the working properties of chatode rays.
Describe the working principle of cathode ray oscilloscope.
Measure potential difference using the C.R.O.
Measure short time intervals using the C.R.O.
Display wave forms using the C.R.O.
Solve problems based on the C.R.O. display.
1/7/13 – 5/7/13

   semiconductor diodes
View computer simulations to gain an understanding of properties of semiconductors in terms of its resistance and free electrons
View computer simulations to gain an understanding of:
a) n – type and p – type semiconductors,
b) semiconductor diodes
Carry out activities to observe current flow through a semiconductor diode (p-n junction) in forward bias or reverse bias.
Build a
half – wave rectifier circuit and
a full – wave rectifier circuit.
Observe half – wave rectification and
full – wave rectification using an instrument such as a C.R.O.
Observe and discuss the effect or outing a capacitor in a:
a) half – wave rectifier circuit
b) full – wave rectifier circuit
A student is able to :
Describe semiconductors in terms of resistance and free electrons
Describe n-type and p-type semiconductors.
Describe semiconductor diodes.
Describe the function of diodes.
Describe the use of diodes as rectifiers.
Describe the use of a capacitor to smooth out output current and  output voltage in a rectifier  circuit.

8/7/13 – 12/7/13

 4.3 Understanding
With the aid of diagrams, discuss a transistor in terms of its terminals, i.e. base, collector and emitter.
Carry out activities to show a transistor as a current amplifier.
Set up a transistor- based electronic circuit that functions as a light, heat or sound- controlled switch.
A student is able to:
Describe a transistor in terms of its terminals.
Describe how a transistor can be used as a current amplifier.
Describe how a transistor can be used as an   automatic switch.

15/7/13 – 19/7/13

4.4 Analysing logic gates
Discuss logic gates as switching circuits in computers and other electronic systems.
Research and report on symbols for the following logic gates:
- AND      - OR         - NOT
- NAND   - NOR
Carry out activities to study the action of the following logic gates:
- AND    -  OR   -   NOT
Build truth tables for logic gates and their combinations.
Research and report on logic gates control systems such as in security systems, safety systems and street lights.
A student is able to:
State that logic gates are switching circuits in computers and other electronic systems.
List and draw symbols for the following logic gates
            - AND     - OR       - NOT
            - NAND  - NOR
A student is able to:
State the action of the following logic gates in truth table
- AND  - OR   - NO  - NAND - NOR
Build truth tables for logic gates in combination for a maximum of 2 inputs.
Describe applications of logic gates control systems

22/7/13 – 26/7/13
LEARNING AREA:  5. RADIOACTIVITY 5.1 Understanding the
nucleus of an atom
View computer simulations or models to gain an understanding of:
the composition of the nucleus,
Research and report on the terms nuclide and isotope.
A student is able to :
describe the composition of the nucleus of an atoms in terms of protons and neutrons.
define proton numbers (Z) and nucleon number (A).
explain the terms nuclide
use the nuclide notation .
define the term isotope.

22/7/13 – 26/7/13
5.2 Analyzing radioactive decay

View computer simulations to gain an understanding of radioactivity.
a)                    that radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of an unstable nucleus accompanied by the emission of energetic particles or protons,
b)                    the detection of radioactive emission using detectors such as cloud chambers an Geiger-Muller tubes,
Discuss the characteristics of radioactive emissions i.e. alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays in terms of their:
relative ionising effects
relative penetrating powers
deflection by electric and magnetic fields
Discuss radioactive decay with the aid of equation
Carry out activities to gain an understanding of half-life
Discuss a typical decay curve
Discuss to solve problem involving half-life
A student is able to:
state what radioactivity is.
name common detectors for radioactive emissions.
compare the three kinds of radioactive emissions in terms of their nature
explain what radioactive decay is
use equation to represent change in the composition of the nucleus when particles are emitted
explain half-life
determine half-life from a decay curve
solve problems involving half-life

22/7/13 – 26/7/13
5.3 Understanding the uses of radioisotopes
Discuss radioisotopes.
Research and report on applications of radioisotopes in the fields of:
View computer simulations on applications of radioisotopes.
Visit the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) or other suitable places to see various applications of radioisotopes

A student is able to:
·         define radioisotopes.
·         name examples of radioisotopes.
·         Describe applications of radioisotopes

29/7/13 – 2/8/13
Understanding nuclear energy

View computer simulations to gain an understanding of:
nuclear fission,
chain reactions,
nuclear fusion
atomic mass unit ( a.m.u),
nuclear fission,
chain reactions,
nuclear fusion.
A student is able to:
·         define atomic mass unit ( a.m.u).
·         describe nuclear fission.
·         give examples of nuclear fission.
·         describe chain reactions.
·         describe nuclear fusion.
give examples of nuclear fusion

5/8/13 – 16/8/13

19/8/13 – 23/8/13

Discuss the relationship between mass defect and the nuclear energy produced in nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, i.e. E=mc2.
Research and report on the generation of electricity from nuclear energy.
Discuss the pros and cons of using nuclear fission to generate electricity.
Discuss to solve problems involving nuclear energy.
·         relate the release of energy in a nuclear reaction with a change of mass according to the equation E=mc2.
·         describe the generation of electricity from nuclear fission.
·         justify the use of nuclear fission in the generation of electricity.
solve problems involving nuclear energy.

26/8/13 – 30/8/13
Realising the importance of proper management of radioactive substances.
Research and report on:
the negative effects of radioactive substances,
safety precautions that should be taken when handling radioactive substances,management of radioactive waste.
A student is able to:
describe the negative effects of radioactive substances.
describe safety precautions needed in the handling of radioactive substances.
describe the management of radioactive waste.
2/9/13 – 6/9/13

9/9/13 – 13/9/13

16/9/13 – 20/9/13

23/9/13 – 27/9/13
30/9/13 – 4/10/13

7/10/13 – 11/10/13
Study week

14/10/13 – 18/10/13
Study week

21/10/13 – 25/10/13
Study week

28/10/13 – 1/11/13
Study week
4/11/13 – 8/11/13
Study week

11/11/13 – 15/11/13
SPM 2013

18/11/13 – 22/11/13
SPM 2013

Prepared by,                                                                                                                                                                  Certified by,
…………………………………..                                                                                                                                         ………………………………………
( NURBAZLIN BINTI ISMAIL)                                                                                                                                 ( DATIN HJH MAHIDAH BT DATUK HJ ABDUL WAHAB )

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